Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Creation of the blog.

In 32 days of starting this blog I will be sitting in JFK International terminal holding a one way ticket to China. While there I hope to experience things that will forever change the way I look at the world and people around me. A lot of people call me crazy for wanting to go... To be honest I have been preparing for this trip for as long as I can remember. Maybe not the locations, but the ideas and experiences I will receive from taking this blind leap of faith. No one wants to look back on their life and think it was ordinary and boring; this first step forward is my way of making sure I can never be one of those people.


  1. i'm impressed with your grammar and spelling! go hartsoe, go!

  2. Yes, I agree with Jessica. Your writing here is great Hartsoe! And I agree with every word you have written here. I am happy to know that almost a year later, we are off... living our lives as only we were meant to live. I am glad you and I will always have that to share. :)

  3. A great comment on what's inspired you, Ian. Now, may it all come true!


  4. Stand tall, fly straight! I will miss you Fartsoe, perhaps by some grace of the passport gods I can meet you in the netherlands still, fingers crossed :)

  5. Hi Ian,
    As your Mom it is my job to worry about you being so far from home and trust me I am, but on the other hand I am so glad that you are taking this chance to explore. Please be sensible and know that your Dad and I have got your back, but most of all have fun and learn lots!

  6. Hey, Ian,

    I don't know where you are today--in deepest China, no doubt, where so much must look like you're used to while so much still does not. Cuttlefish and eels on your menu yet?


  7. Hi, Ian,

    I thought maybe I'd find a new blog posting from you today, but it looks like you've been too busy experiencing China to write about it. I hope it's all still going wonderfully and that you're storing it all up for future reference.

