Wednesday, June 16, 2010

USA Pavilion Review

I went to the USA pavilion a little ambivalent, having heard from foreigners and Americans alike that it wasn't so good. I say nay to the nay sayers of the USA pavilion. It was one of the best that I had seen up to this point, not because I am an American (which certainly doesn't hurt my appreciation of it) but because it was one of the few that I felt stuck with the theme of the expo "Better City, Better Life". It wasn't an ad for tourism or trying to showcase why moving their or building up industry would be beneficial to ones self.
It was welcoming to all that came to the pavilion, and tried to showcase what it has done to improve the way people in America live, and how to create a sense of community. The underlying theme of the expo was green technology, and how to keep expanding while improving the environment around us. The USA did this with through the use of three videos that all gave examples of green technologies, and the conservation of resources.

The USA pavilion did stile a cord with me, as a person, as tourist, and as an American.

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