The country capital, and one of the haziest and smoggiest cities I have ever been in. Was all in all a lot of fun! Great wall, tian mien square, the forbidden city, summer palace, and miles of maze like hutongs to explore. Being pulled around scenic ponds in bike power carts.

Like all of the cities that I have been to in china, the food was amazing and very distinct to the region. On the suggestion of a girl I meet who is a budding travel food journalist, the Aussies and I went to a place that was a little bit more on the beaten path then I normally head to.

Granted you cant see any of the food that we had, belief me when I say it was good. Not the best in China nut still good all of the same. The most peculiar thing we has was a pitted bitter melon, with a ball of pork stuffed into the middle of it.
On my last full day in Beijing I went to see the 2008 Olympic stadium and park.

You can see the characteristic grayness that is Beijing, it was a sunny day then too.

The building housing the swimming pool in which Michel Phelps owned every event he was in.