Thursday, January 19, 2012

Flash Back

Welcome the to the first of many "flash backs" I will be presenting for your reading pleasure. The flash back is just going to be a way for me to recount travel experiences that I haven't posted before because I was lazy while traveling and stopped posting about two months in.

The first flashback is going to start where I left off in the blog.

July 4Th 2010:
I had finished visiting the Terra-cotta Warriors with an Israeli named Sid the day before, and really didn't have anything to the on the day of American Independence. So after breakfast Sid and I went out into the Muslim district of Xian to explore and maybe barter down some things that we needed/wanted. On the way back to the hostel we found a supermarket with cheese in it. This was the first time in two months that I had seen cheese for sale in any store. So we bought about 20 dollars worth of cheese, some bread, wine, and beer.

I celebrated 4Th of July eating spreaded cheese on bread with tomatoes, drinking weak beer, and talking to anyone that wanted to listen about the American holiday.

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